Re: KH Coderを起動できますが新規プロジェクト・プロジェクトを開くで落ちる (A) KH Coder 旧掲示板
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  [No.3847] KH Coderを起動できますが新規プロジェクト・プロジェクトを開くで落ちる 投稿者:A  投稿日:2018/10/29(Mon) 12:55:11


CWD: /Applications/khcoder3
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6

(1)KH Coderの起動に非常に時間がかかり、起動したあと「新規プロジェクト」「プロジェクトを開く」で落ちます。ファイル参照を指定してOKボタンを押すとフリーズして、しばらくして強制終了します。

KH Coderの再インストール

(1)[No.1629] [Mac] 新規プロジェクトで落ちます と似ているように思いますが、回答の「kh_lib/kh_projects.pmをテキストエディタで開き、112行目を見ると以下のような記述があります。」という記述にあるkh_projects.pmというファイルが見当たらず、スレッドにあるアドバイスは試していません。

khcoder ***error for object 0x7ffeefbfdf60: ponter being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
bash: line 1: 3173 Abort trap: 6

This is KH Coder 3.Alpha.13g on darwin.
CWD: /Applications/khcoder3
Executing Mac OS X 64-bit Package
Checking MySQL connection...
Starting MySQL...
uim <-> XIM bridge. Supporting multiple locales.
Using full-synchronous XIM event flow
2018-10-29 12:20:23 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=2 because file system for /Applications/khcoder3/deps/mysql-5.6.17/data/ is case insensitive
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 512.0M
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Retrying to lock the first data file
2018-10-29 12:20:24 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:24 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:25 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:25 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:26 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:26 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:27 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:27 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:28 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:28 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:29 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:29 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:30 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:30 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:31 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:31 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:32 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:32 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:33 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:33 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:34 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:34 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:35 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:35 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:36 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:36 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:37 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:37 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
Supported conversion engines:
direct (*)
yahoo-jp (ja)
baidu-olime-jp (ja)
google-cgiapi-jp (ja)
social-ime (ja)
ajax-ime (ja)
look ()
ipa-x-sampa ()
viqr (vi)
pinyin-big5 (zh_TW:zh_HK)
pyunihan (zh)
py (zh_CN)
wb86 (zh_CN:zh_TW:zh_HK)
zm (zh_CN:zh_TW:zh_HK)
m17n-am-sera (am)
m17n-ar-kbd (ar)
m17n-as-inscript (as)
m17n-as-itrans (as)
m17n-as-phonetic (as)
m17n-ath-phonetic (ath)
m17n-be-kbd (be)
m17n-bla-phonetic (bla)
m17n-bn-inscript (bn)
m17n-bn-itrans (bn)
m17n-bn-probhat (bn)
m17n-bn-unijoy (bn)
m17n-bo-ewts (bo)
m17n-bo-tcrc (bo)
m17n-bo-wylie (bo)
m17n-latn-post (*)
m17n-latn-pre (*)
m17n-rfc1345 (*)
m17n-syrc-phonetic (*)
m17n-unicode (*)
m17n-cmc-kbd (cmc)
m17n-cr-western (cr)
m17n-cs-kbd (cs)
m17n-da-post (da)
m17n-dv-phonetic (dv)
m17n-el-kbd (el)
m17n-eo-h-fundamente (eo)
m17n-eo-h-sistemo (eo)
m17n-eo-plena (eo)
m17n-eo-q-sistemo (eo)
m17n-eo-vi-sistemo (eo)
m17n-eo-x-sistemo (eo)
m17n-fa-isiri (fa)
m17n-fr-azerty (fr)
m17n-grc-mizuochi (grc)
m17n-gu-inscript (gu)
m17n-gu-itrans (gu)
m17n-gu-phonetic (gu)
m17n-he-kbd (he)
m17n-hi-inscript (hi)
m17n-hi-itrans (hi)
m17n-hi-phonetic (hi)
m17n-hi-remington (hi)
m17n-hi-typewriter (hi)
m17n-hi-vedmata (hi)
m17n-hr-kbd (hr)
m17n-hy-kbd (hy)
m17n-ii-phonetic (ii)
m17n-en-ispell (en)
m17n-iu-phonetic (iu)
m17n-ja-anthy (ja)
m17n-ja-tcode (ja)
m17n-ja-trycode (ja)
m17n-ka-kbd (ka)
m17n-kk-arabic (kk)
m17n-kk-kbd (kk)
m17n-km-yannis (km)
m17n-kn-inscript (kn)
m17n-kn-itrans (kn)
m17n-kn-kgp (kn)
m17n-ko-han2 (ko)
m17n-ko-romaja (ko)
m17n-ks-inscript (ks)
m17n-ks-kbd (ks)
m17n-lo-kbd (lo)
m17n-lo-lrt (lo)
m17n-ml-inscript (ml)
m17n-ml-itrans (ml)
m17n-ml-mozhi (ml)
m17n-ml-swanalekha (ml)
m17n-mr-inscript (mr)
m17n-mr-itrans (mr)
m17n-mr-phonetic (mr)
m17n-my-kbd (my)
m17n-ne-rom (ne)
m17n-ne-trad (ne)
m17n-nsk-phonetic (nsk)
m17n-oj-phonetic (oj)
m17n-or-inscript (or)
m17n-or-itrans (or)
m17n-or-phonetic (or)
m17n-pa-inscript (pa)
m17n-pa-itrans (pa)
m17n-pa-jhelum (pa)
m17n-pa-phonetic (pa)
m17n-ps-phonetic (ps)
m17n-ru-kbd (ru)
m17n-ru-phonetic (ru)
m17n-ru-translit (ru)
m17n-ru-yawerty (ru)
m17n-sa-harvard-kyoto (sa)
m17n-sa-IAST (sa)
m17n-sd-inscript (sd)
m17n-si-phonetic-dynamic (si)
m17n-si-samanala (si)
m17n-si-singlish (si)
m17n-si-sumihiri (si)
m17n-si-transliteration (si)
m17n-si-wijesekera (si)
m17n-sk-kbd (sk)
m17n-sr-kbd (sr)
m17n-sv-post (sv)
m17n-ta-inscript (ta)
m17n-ta-itrans (ta)
m17n-ta-lk-renganathan (ta)
m17n-ta-phonetic (ta)
m17n-ta-tamil99 (ta)
m17n-ta-typewriter (ta)
m17n-ta-vutam (ta)
m17n-tai-sonla-kbd (tai)
m17n-te-apple (te)
m17n-te-inscript (te)
m17n-te-itrans (te)
m17n-te-pothana (te)
m17n-te-rts (te)
m17n-th-kesmanee (th)
m17n-th-pattachote (th)
m17n-th-tis820 (th)
m17n-ua-kbd (ua)
m17n-ug-kbd (ug)
m17n-ur-phonetic (ur)
m17n-uz-kbd (uz)
m17n-vi-han (vi)
m17n-vi-nomvni (vi)
m17n-vi-nomtelex (vi)
m17n-vi-tcvn (vi)
m17n-vi-telex (vi)
m17n-vi-viqr (vi)
m17n-vi-vni (vi)
m17n-yi-yivo (yi)
m17n-zh-bopomofo (zh)
m17n-zh-cangjie (zh)
m17n-zh-pinyin-vi (zh)
m17n-zh-pinyin (zh)
m17n-zh-py-b5 (zh)
m17n-zh-py-gb (zh)
m17n-zh-py (zh)
m17n-zh-quick (zh)
m17n-zh-tonepy-b5 (zh)
m17n-zh-tonepy-gb (zh)
m17n-zh-tonepy (zh)
elatin ()
latin ()
byeoru (ko)
tutcode (ja)
skk (ja)
prime (ja)
anthy-utf8 (ja)
anthy (ja)
mozc (ja)
2018-10-29 12:20:38 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:38 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
XMODIFIERS=@im=uim registered, selecting anthy (ja) as default conversion engine
2018-10-29 12:20:39 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:39 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
R Version: 3.1, x86_64
Using un-threaded functions...
2018-10-29 12:20:40 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:40 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:41 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:41 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:42 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:42 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:43 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:43 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:44 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:44 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:45 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:45 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:46 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:46 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:47 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:47 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:48 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:48 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:49 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:49 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:50 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:50 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:51 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:51 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:52 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:52 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:53 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:53 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:54 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:54 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:55 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:55 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:56 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:56 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:57 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:57 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:58 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:58 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:20:59 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:20:59 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:00 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:00 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:01 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:01 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:02 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:02 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:03 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:03 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:04 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:04 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:05 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:05 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:06 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:06 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:07 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:07 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:08 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:08 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:09 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:09 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:10 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:10 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:11 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:11 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:12 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:12 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:13 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:13 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:14 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:14 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:15 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:15 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:16 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:16 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:17 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:17 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:18 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:18 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:19 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:19 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:20 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:20 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:21 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:21 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:22 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:22 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:23 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:23 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:24 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:24 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:25 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:25 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:26 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:26 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:27 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:27 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:28 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:28 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:29 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:29 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:30 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:30 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:31 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:31 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:32 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:32 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:33 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:33 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:34 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:34 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:35 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:35 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:36 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:36 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:37 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:37 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:38 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:38 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:39 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:39 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:40 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:40 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:41 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:41 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:42 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:42 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:43 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:43 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:44 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:44 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:45 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:45 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:46 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:46 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:47 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:47 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:48 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:48 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:49 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:49 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:50 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:50 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:51 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:51 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:52 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:52 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:53 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:53 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:54 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:54 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:55 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:55 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:56 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:56 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:57 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:57 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:58 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:58 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:21:59 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:21:59 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:22:00 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:22:00 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:22:01 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:22:01 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:22:02 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:22:02 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1, error: 35
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process using the same InnoDB data or log files.
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] InnoDB: Unable to open the first data file
2018-10-29 12:22:03 7fff8af40380 InnoDB: Operating system error number 35 in a file operation.
InnoDB: Error number 35 means 'Resource temporarily unavailable'.
InnoDB: Some operating system error numbers are described at
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Can't open './ibdata1'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [ERROR] InnoDB: Could not open or create the system tablespace. If you tried to add new data files to the system tablespace, and it failed here, you should now edit innodb_data_file_path in my.cnf back to what it was, and remove the new ibdata files InnoDB created in this failed attempt. InnoDB only wrote those files full of zeros, but did not yet use them in any way. But be careful: do not remove old data files which contain your precious data!
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [ERROR] Aborting

2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Binlog end
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'partition'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_DATAFILES'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_FOREIGN_COLS'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_FOREIGN'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_FIELDS'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_INDEXES'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_SYS_TABLES'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_FT_INDEX_TABLE'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_FT_INDEX_CACHE'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_FT_CONFIG'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_FT_BEING_DELETED'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_FT_DELETED'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_METRICS'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX_RESET'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_CMPMEM'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_CMP_RESET'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_CMP'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_LOCK_WAITS'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_LOCKS'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'INNODB_TRX'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'BLACKHOLE'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'ARCHIVE'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'MRG_MYISAM'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'MyISAM'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'MEMORY'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'CSV'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'sha256_password'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'mysql_old_password'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'mysql_native_password'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] Shutting down plugin 'binlog'
2018-10-29 12:22:03 3083 [Note] deps/MySQL-5.6.17/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

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